I’ve been back from Egypt for almost a month now and seemingly just getting back to reality. The Goddess Tour to Egypt, which has been a dream for 6 years, finally happened. It was amazing in every way, everything I could have wished for and more. There was nothing that was not perfect. The people, the weather, the accommodation, the tour guide, the unexpected finds, the shifts and the change of perspective. I have learned, it pays to be patient. It pays to pursue your dream, for how ever long it takes to become a reality, because with all the good energy I put into creating the space and the dream, I was rewarded, over and over again.
I experienced a tremendous amount of healing on the tour, mostly in the area of putting up personal boundaries, and not allowing people to abuse my kindness. In learning this lesson, I have been rewarded with so much gratitude from not only the tour participants, but also the people I am coming into contact with now that I am back home. It is really wonderful to hear gratitude expressed for my efforts in giving of myself, in order for the planet to heal, to return to a place of love. This will only encourage me to do more and more work for the highest good of everyone and everything that I am associated to.

Egypt is a place of Magic!! I have mentioned this before, but I cannot say it enough. I went there with the pure intention of sharing my Beloved Egypt with a group of ladies, and assisting them to release the blockages to Divine Love. I got so much more. I reconnected with a group of soul sisters, and together, we supported one another, being open to whatever it was that came our way. There was so much support from the bird and animal kingdom, we had an orb that followed us around for the whole tour, every place we went, that orb appeared in the photos that were taken. We discovered things that our guide did not even know about. We laughed, we cried and we healed!
We did experience a few negatives but they turned into amazing positives. We checked into a hotel in Cairo and some of the rooms were very dirty, however, after complaining, our rooms got upgraded, and we were able to have a magnificent view of the pyramids…………………how does it get better than that? Also when we wanted to do a meditation in Philae Temple, dedicated to the Goddess Isis, we got chased out, but as our good fortune would have it, we ended up meditating on our boat, in the middle of the Nile River and right close to the original island that housed Philae Temple, before it was moved to it’s new home. Quite simply, our group were magnets for abundance and good fortune for 2 weeks.
After 6 years of trying to get a group to go to Egypt, one would think I would have given up, but I persisted, I worked on myself, I removed obstacles that were preventing me from manifesting this dream and……………………I DID IT!!

Never, ever give up on your dreams, remain steadfast and continue dreaming, until your dreams become a reality. I am living proof that this is possible. I open my heart and hands wide for more abundance. I Am grateful.
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
I have lost count of the number of Goddess Retreats I have hosted since 2017. It has become my dream and pleasure to lead groups to spiritual destinations and grow with them as we journey this path together. In 2023, we embark on yet another fantastic adventure. Turkey is steeped in mystery, stunning scenery, and glorious architecture. With stunning temples and churches to visit, we will call on Hestia, the goddess of architecture, families, and homes, and Cybele, the mother goddess to guide us.
Join us on our 2023 trip by requesting a booking form today. Book today to avoid disappointment.