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  • Writer's pictureMichelle Leske


Updated: Dec 19, 2022

Many of us go through our lives struggling.  We get hurt by the opinions and selfish acts of humanity.  We retaliate with that same energy.  If someone is nasty to us, we feel hurt and fight back. We have forgotten that we are Magnificent Beings, we have also forgotten that those very people who hurt us are also Magnificent Beings.  How can we change this behavior?  How can we put an end to this tit for tat nastiness and ungodliness?  Simply by remembering that we are Gods and Goddesses and allowing ourselves to be just that.  That is why we are here on this earth.  To end the cycle of birth and rebirth, reincarnation.  That is the sole purpose of our life on earth.  To remember that we are Unconditional Love.  It may be difficult to do this or it may be easy, it is a choice.  We either allow our egos to dominate our lives, or we allow Unconditional Love to dominate.  The one path is difficult, fraught with fear, lack, greed, selfishness and anger.  The other path is filled with Joy, Abundance, Greatness, Kindness, Fulfillment and Love.

Because we have spent lifetimes operating from ego, it is necessary to undo our thinking and behaviour patterns, we need to recognise where we are not being Unconditional Love and change that behaviour very consciously.  Now is the time.  If you choose to change your life, it is necessary to become aware of what you do not like about your behaviour and change that.

Remember, that you have a host of support from the Angelic Realm, Arch Angels and Ascended Masters.  All you need to do is ASK for assistance, and it will be given.  If you don’t ask, how can you receive?

If you wish to transmute any negativity, visualize the Violet Flame burning away all imperfections, sense of limitation and lack. Sit in the Violet Flame and ask for these fears to be transmuted back to Love.  Then imagine the White Flame of Purity filling that space.  Seal the area in Love.

If you are battling with forgiveness, towards yourself or others, Hoóponopono is a lovely way of transmuting anger towards another back to Love.  You say:

I Love You

I’m Sorry

Please Forgive Me

Thank you

In 2023, we are tapping into abundance and remembering exactly who we are. Meditation, mantras, sound therapy, essential oils, chakra balancing, looking at the mirror, and working with the elements of fire, wind, earth, and water. These are some of the tools we employ on our Goddess tours. In 2023, our tour to Turkey will be no different. Join us for a spiritual time of manifesting abundance and self-love. Contact us for information, or download the itinerary to learn exactly what we will be doing on the tour.

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